Pritviraj..hah yes i can see you grinning. My current craze is Pritviraj, of Kana Kandein and Parijatham fame. His charm, good looks...will cut the crap...i jus think the guy is awesome! Anyways his latest film released on friday and i was dyin to watch it. I booked tickets online for the show. Mum, abhi, mohi and myself went for the film. Collected the tickets and went to the theatre..the guy dint allow us in!! WHY?? Coz the tickets had been booked for a different date. After much hassle realised it was some problem with the server. The ppl at the theatre were extremely sweet inspite of me boiling..they offered to sell the tickets or give us tickets for another day...i decided to get it rescheduled for another day and leave for the moment...that wasnt to be either coz our car was parked along with those goin for Mozhi..so we were stuck for another three hours...the theatre guys requested us to watch Blood Diamond...No thanks have already seen it...Damn we had no other option..Well they did offer the box....fine...will just watch it and so we did...
People have been taking my trip about this simply coz i was practically jumping the whole day and all that energy jus went poooof! when the whole plan flopped. My bro and his friend are pretty much sick and tired of me talking about this guy. Before we went for the movie my bro even cursed me sayin that on screen Pritviraj's face alone would be black!!! What black... i didnt even get to see him except on the hoarding!!! Talk about curses coming true :(
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