Thought I would divert a bit from the serious bunch of posts. Will start with penning down some incidents in 'individual posts' (dont even think of making me put all in one, it would be a book), incidents that i could recall from my school and college days.
In UG, we had general English classes, which were mandatory. Apart from Language classes, General English was one of the few sessions, where students from across departments came together. We were split into batches based on proficiency. The same batch continued throughout though our professors would change.
For one semester, we had our HOD, Mrs. RJC as we fondly refer to her as our professor for General English. Needless to say as a person and a professor, she was wonderful and every single person in WCC would vouch for that. Her tenure as the HOD of our Department and as the Principal of the college, was but fitting for her stature. Her English was so beautiful and perfect, that we normally felt terribly incompetent and illiterate. Even as i write this post i think of the words she used, which of course were like Greek and Latin to me.
During General English, normally Z and I used to sit together. The rest of our gang was in a different batch. In college, we used to get these packets of liquid chocolate - sort of like a paste. Choco sticks!! It was just a thin pack with some chocolate paste. I had bought a few during lunch time, to have later on. General English was immediately after lunch. We were assigned some writing work. I was done and was generally whiling away time pulling Z and not allowing her to write. She had to admonish me of course telling me to find something worthwhile to do like eat chocolate.
My thought process - ' Aha - Bingo! I have chocolate! But RJC is there. Hmmm but i just have to eat one, just one. Ok, since I'm in the last row, i will bend low and quickly eat it. She surely wont notice'. Slightly bent down, quickly had the choco stick. Sheer Bliss!!
I looked up innocently as though absolutely nothing had happened. I looked at RJC, she was writing something, but somehow at that time, looked up and simply smiled at me. I gave her one broad grin, with a sense of accomplishment. She looked a bit quizzical, as though she had seen something odd. Her face broke into a broad grin and she continued her work.
Now it was my turn to look puzzled. I nudged Z and asked if something was wrong with my face. She was puzzled too. I grinned at her saying i successfully wiped out the chocolate. Z was in splits. MY TEETH WERE COATED WITH CHOCOLATE!!! I had grinned at RJC showing off a bunch of Brown chocolate coated teeth. Z was terribly tickled and could just not stop and I of course could do nothing except pretend like I did not exist.
The class was over. I wanted to wait till everyone left and then leave. Z and i walked out. Bang - RJC was standing a few feet away from me talking to some students. Much to my embarrassment, she made it a point to look at me and gave me this 'i know what you were upto smile' with a twinkle in her eyes. I sheepishly smiled (without showing my teeth) and walked back to my department.
Lesson - never eat dark chocolate or any chocolate thats any colour other than white, when you're not supposed to!
And if you do - DONT GRIN!