With the marriage and reception over, we were all set to leave for Bali for our honeymoon. When im in a more *writing mood* i would write about the marriage and the reception. Now fresh in my mind is my encounter with my Singa Kutty (Lion Cub). For those stupid duffers who think im referring to my husband - well get a life!!!
We went to Bali zoo and there was a session when we could meet the animals. Raghu and I being animal fanatics jumped at the opportunity especially since we could carry a lion cub. Gosh i touched one when i was a kid in Mysore Zoo. I still treasure that half torn picture - digi cams were not even invented then.
Met a couple of animals and when it was time to meet the lion cub, we couldnt quite contain our excitement atleast i couldnt. The two brats came tumbling down the steps. Halt!! These are lion cubs not kittens. Do not try and pet them the normal way. They rolled around, fought with the zoo officials. A lady, amongst the audience, was the first to hold one up. She managed to while he literally wriggled in her hands. Next was my turn. Again he fought and wriggled as though i were trying to kill him. Heavy was an understatement to what he was - Buddy was a feather in comparison to this brat...ahem and Buddy is no lion.. sometimes i even wonder if he is a dog (will update).

All of us took turns in holding the lion cub. We were clearly told to keep hold it by the arms keeping it a safe distance away from our body. They were later put down and were playing with a couple of toys. One was distracted. Smart that i was, i decided to catch his attention by calling it like i would call a cat (not sure how i can express that calling). The cub barely looked. A couple of seconds later, what was a calling turned into a yelp. The brat pounced on my leg and nipped at it holding my leg with his paws and refusing to let go. A second later the official dragged him by the tail. Now anyone in their right mind, would remember that this was a lion cub not a cat. This was a wild animal. And me calling it like i would a cat was definitely neither appreciated nor accepted.
R couldnt control his laughter neither could anyone around...neither could i. Luckily it was just a nip and not a bite.
But still, i proudly profess that a lion pounced on me!!! :)