Monday, June 22, 2009

I am deaf!

I detest it when people are loud. True there are occasions even when i can be exceptionally loud, but probably for the want of being heard. But when someone is close by and has to just make a point in an absolutely silent room, i dont understand the need to have to yell such that the surrounding ear drums take a flight to hell and back.

There have been several instances at work where ive forced myself to hold back. But there have been times when i just had to lose it. Three people conversing across two bays that are less than 5 feet apart. And how do they converse - 'What do you think about this...I think' - imagine you're friend is standing on top of a 50 foot tower and ur at the bottom and you are screaming at the top of your voice to let him know that the builiding is on fire! When these things happen a million swear words run thru my head and before they become vocal they sort of get caught somewhere in my anatomy that is still confused by the decibel volumes.

We went out for dinner yesterday. We were about 9 of us. Yes we were talking, but it was audible only to us. The entire restaurant was filled with people who wanted the world to know that they were there. It was ridiculously noisy. Still that was acceptable - sunday night, small place, crowded, couple of bday celebrations - cant really expect a funeral silence there can we. Unfortunate we got a table that was close to the buffet counter and also the gap between us and and the adjoining table was just over a foot.

A small kid walked by with her mum and while the mum whose eyes were only on the food went to the food counter, the kid probably saw a take diversion in her head, and turned the other side. Kids do these things (i presume) and I dont think is something to yell about. Being a small place the chances of the kid getting lost unless she had an invisibility cloak were very less. When the mother's attention turned from the deep fried patties to the baby, there was a thundering ' DONT GO THERE I AM HERE'. Well except the kid the whole world knew that by now. I was drinking some coffee shake and thought the glass would crumble in my hand. I stared blankly like someone had zapped me into going deaf. Mohi sitting opposite me reflected the same reaction as he was closer to the source of the explosion. I mentally strangled her!

For people who are loud:-

  • Remember there are people around you who are not deaf
  • Remember that in a silent room, even if u whisper the other person would hear
  • In a silent room if you want to make a point - Say It!. We can still hear
  • If you had swallowed an amplifier as a kid - time you swallowed a death pill. Excuses wont work.
  • If you're kid is not listening to you - yelling wont help. Remember he/she is still a kid.

I cant think of more. The deafness is still not cured. If you can think of more suggestions feel free to comment.