Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Unknowlingly Feeling...
Pain, beyond compare,
A few words, piercing
Such an agony never before known.
Cutting, slicing through each vein,
Rattling questions
Guilt? Shame?
Running away, running behind,
Memories, a blink of an eye
Moments, fleeting past
Complete surrender,
Would one side suffice?
Moving on, with no sense of direction
No path this is, strewn with roses.
Love saves. Love redeems.
This love, would it?
Yearning, the touch that soothes,
Longing, for the look that heals,
Desiring, for the smile that lights up
Would this all be washed away
A million questions,
Answers though none.
Groping, the darkness engulfs,
Swallowing me whole.
Never fear, it is only the night.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Checking...double checking, rechecking..
Monday, October 22, 2007
Taking time...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Weekends, Mum and I normally get sometime to watch a film or some interesting programs. Then again, if theres a match, Mum can retire to going through classifieds and I can either prove invisible or read a book or basically grumble such that no one cares. The game is interesting. Sports is good. Good, happy, proud of it. But consideration for others, sort of disappears when this game is turned on. The fact that there are two other individuals in the house who might have some kind of interest and maybe require a break too - errr who cares!!!
I have a friend. He's nuts about cricket. He usually mails me when in office. And the day goes, just exchanging mails. A great friend. Someone i cannot do without. He drives me crazy sometimes, but still a great guy. There was a day he wasnt in office. Why coz he was sick? Poor chap was running a fever after getting drenched in the rain. Didn't really want to disturb him by messaging too much. Constantly checked how he was. He simply replied 'Betr' or something equally informative. Figured he must be resting. Post noon, asked him what he was doing all day. 'Watching Cricket'. That was the longest message he sent the entire day. Something snapped in my head. There were few more messages that went back and forth, and I simply said bye!!!. I have no intentions of messaging. He takes leave to recuperate. He's too sick to message. But he's perfectly ok to sit and watch a bunch of loonies running around the field chasing a ball that's almost always elusive!!! Argghhh
Honestly I have nothing against the game as such. Ive lived in a family, that lives on cricket, with an exception of mum of course - Thank God for some miracles!!! The game is fine, just like every other sport. What drives me nuts, is the hype. The constant banter on how the 'Men in Blue' need to prove themselves. You want to prove yourselves, you darned well play well. You dont need a commentator to tell you that. People make and lose more money, simply sponsoring cricket, than some people earn their entire lives!!
Search me, I fail to understand this game's greatness!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The loss of a pet...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Im going mad...
Monday, August 27, 2007
The magic...
Idhu edhu varai pogum
Unnai partha naal mudhal
Parandhu pogiran..maeley
Idhu enna mayam
Idhu edhu varai pogum
Iru siragai virithu nan
Midhandhu pogiren..maeley!
Kanavugal varuvadhal kalavaram vizhiyiley
Dhinasari pudhu pudhu, anubhavam edhiriley...ulaagamey
Unnal indru pudhiyadhai unargiren
Urachagathai muzhuvadhai.
En vanathil sila matrangal
Vin megathil un uruvangal
En katriley un swasangal..nan parandhu pogireney
Friday, August 17, 2007
Please hear what I'm not saying...
Don't be fooled by the face I wear.
For I wear a mask, a thousand masks,
Masks that I'm afraid to take off,
And none of them is me.
Pretending is an art that's second nature to me,
But dont't be fooled.
For God's sake don't be fooled.
I give you the impression that I'm secure,
That confidence is my middle name and coolness is my game,
That the waters calm and I'm in command,
And that I need no one.
But don't believe me.
My surface may seem smooth byt my surface
Is my mask, ever-verying and ever-concealing.
Beneath lies no complacence,
Beneath lies confusion and fear and aloneness.
But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.
I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear being exposed.
That's why I frantically create a mask to hide behind,
A nonchalant sophisticated facade, to help me pretend,
To shield me from the glance that knows.
But such a glance is precisely my salvation,
My only hope, and I know it.
That is, if it's followed by acceptance,
If it's followed by love.
It's the only thing that can liberate my from myself,
From my own self built prison walls,
From the barriers I so painstakingly erect.
It's the only thing that will assure me
Of what I cannot assure myself,
That I'm really worth something.
Each time you're kind and gentle and encouraging,
Each time you try to understand because you really care,
My heart begins to grow wings, very small wings,
Very feeble wings,
But wings!
With your power to touch me into feeling
You can breathe life into me.
I want you to know that.
Who am I, you may wonder.
I am someone you know very well.
For I am every man you meet,
And I am every woman you meet.
(an excerpt from Chicken Soup for the Soul)
... I read this piece nearly ten years ago and yet again it strikes me as being absolutely honest and vulnerable. I do not have the book, but I happened to find a print out of this piece and felt that it needed public view. Each of us, at some point of time, wear masks. Sometimes we cannot let the world see us, as our true selves. We want to be accepted, we want to feel wanted, same time we are unsure if the world will accept us just as we are.
There was a time I strove to be someone I was not. I was always someone else. The true me, was missing and sometimes I wondered what my identity was. Today, my attitude has gone through a drastic change. 'I will be myself and I care a damn what the world thinks'. If I'm making a mistake, tell me, I will change, any other opinions feel free to keep them to yourselves. I don't really know the reason behind this change, think college really let me be myself. I did not feel oppressed. Did not feel like i was viewed under a microscope. I truly learned to love myself, and let those inhibitions go. I can't say now, that i love myself and im the best...well...atleast im trying!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
D Howlers updated
Sunny : Errr what???
D : You know, German Shepherds are ferocious and all. So they must be real terriers nah
Sunny : Terriers they cant be. Terrors they are.
D : Haaaannn correct...i meant terrors only!!!!
Hahahahahahahah!! ROTFL
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Thoughts inspired by bread omelette
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Whats the point?
Come to think of it, i've sort of started to follow the same mental path. I am working hard. I travel 4 out of 6 days. I literally beg technical panelists to come do interviews. I break my head arranging for travel and accommodation. I keep updating people about a 100 things. I drive PS mad coz both of us share the work load. Ultimately i get paid at the end of the month. Great. So whats the point of saving, of working etc. Is it for my future? What future? My kids? Right!! Let them grow up and earn for themselves. My duty is to put them thru a decent school and college. After that its their own headache. Hmmm im sure my parents dont think that way. I will be different!!!
I break my back trying to work out. I eat a morsel and i put on weight. A friend of mine eats 10 pooris and shes like a stick. Blame it on genes, heredity blah!! Then again why would i want to try so hard. To look good - i aint gonna be a movie star. To impress some guy - if he likes me it better be for my brains. But then again - maybe its just to feel good. But the question arises - Whats the point - anyways im gonna die some day. Why not enjoy life ? Hmm makes sense. But yeah i cant revamp my wardrobe every year and i dont think i can move beyond a XXXL. Im still far from it and somehow the thought of XXXL kills me. No ways. But then again. Whats the point.
I take time to look through websites to pursue my studies. To maybe do an MBA. Then again. I have a good job. I earn decently. So why study, whats the point!!!
Parents go mad trying to find a guy. My brother helps in the process. They are really really trying to hitch me to someone. Good for them. But whats the point of getting married. To have kids. To live happily ever after. The question the question - the point!!! I think id be happier being single. I could contradict myself saying whats the point being single!!
Time to stop
Take a deep breath
Finish this piece and then again
Whats the freaking point!!!!???
Monday, June 18, 2007
Interesting meeting...and its all over
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Story untold
She tried moving on. Tried keeping herself distracted. She tried questioning him he just didn't budge. He was a friend and she had misunderstood. His version. Her version - he said he loved her and also confirmed that he meant every word of it. He also messaged her often saying that he did. All that was sometime ago. He had grown up in a month. She had grown too much into it in month. She left the city. She tried being away thinking that distance and time will heal. His conference brought him to the same city. They met. She tried to keep out the emotions. She did till she was in his presence. The minute he left, she broke down.
They had tried to be friends. He was ok with it. She was trying real hard. Atleast she pretended to. He started ignoring her again, this time for no rhyme or reason. She asked him why. He responded saying she was imagining things. She wasn't. She came back to her hometown. He was ok again. He wasn't ignoring her. He started talking to her properly again. Asked why he had earlier ignored her, he stated that he thought she was falling for him again. Idiot when did she ever fall out of love for you??? She simply laughed it off. Screamed at him and told him to never assume things again. Liar!!!
They still talk. They still laugh.....or atleast he does. They still meet up. Every time he wants a song and can't find its download, he comes back to her even if they are fighting. She spends hours trying to find one song for him. He's happy. She's happy that he's happy. She can't do much anymore other than bury what she feels.
They are friends to the world. In her heart, he will always be hers. And they lived happily ever after... in their own separate lives.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Original Sin - Elton John
Oh, it's carnival night
And they're stringing the lights around you
Hanging paper angels
Painting little devils on the roof
Oh the furnace wind I
s a flickering of wings about your face
In a cloud of incense
Yea, it smells like Heaven in this place
I can't eat, can't sleep S
till I hunger for you when you look at me
That face, those eyes
All the sinful pleasures deep inside
Tell me how, you know now,
The ways and means of getting in
Underneath my skin,
Oh you were always my original sin
And tell me why,
I shudder inside, every time we begin
This dangerous game
Oh you were always my original sin
A dream will fly
The moment that you open up your eyes
A dream is just a riddle
Ghosts from every corner of your life
Up in the balcony
All the Romeo's are bleeding for your hand
Blowing theater kisses
Reciting lines they don't understand
I love this song. Im not saying more. I simply love it. And the rendition is amazing!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Some things you should know...
2. I love reading fiction. Not the sci fi, genetic type. Hard core fiction fan. Jeffrey Archer, Erich Segal keep me going. I love history. Off late have been reading a lot of indian writing and yes they are pretty good. Some are depressing though
3. i love dancing. Havent really learnt, but just enjoy dancing
4. Love bike rides. So long ive always been the one to ride. i love my bike (Honda Dio) and also love it if someone takes me for a ride on a bike. My younger brother's friend usually takes me for little zips
5. I love long drives in my car, listening to some good music, preferably late evening, when the sun is almost down and the stars are just beginning to show their face
6. I love red. I love red and i simply love red. I also love black. Think red and black is the deadliest combination (even though its often associated with DMK)
7. I love the water, - beaches, streams,water falls, the works.
8. I love Hugo Boss. One perfume that can drive me nuts. Davidoff poses equal competition
9. I love flowers. I think the most romantic/meaningful gift that can be given to anyone right from birth till death - are flowers. Roses, orchids, lilies. Love em all.
10. I love Dogs. Think ive already said that. Just reinstating the fact
11. I love my friends. They are psycho, whacko but the most lovable bunch of people around me
12. Im a die hard romantic. And if you havent figured that out by reading all of the above...YOU NEED TO READ THIS POST AGAIN!!
I cant stand
1. Gossip
2. Backbiting
3. Loud mouths
4. Screaming kids
5. Sound of scratching nails on a blackboard
6. the heat
7. dishonesty - especially amongst friends. I find it hard to forgive friends who lie. I can forgive everybody else.
8. Body odour
9. Generalisations
10. Stereotypes
11. melodrama in real life
12. raking up the past when fighting
13.low self esteem
Still thinking. If theres more will update....
Monday, May 07, 2007
D and Cookie Howlers
Cookie : if you tell me what is in my bag i will give you some eggs from my bag. If you tell me how many there are i will give you all 8
D: Tough. Give me some Clue.
LOL. I shan't say more.
Im yet to get mail..
The other day amma asked if it would be ok if the guy was a doctor. Now what exactly do i have against doctors?? Nothing except i should not be the guinea pig. Other than that no hassles. Asked amma to go ahead. Another really good proposal came and ma and the guys mom have been in touch. The moms seem to have grown very fond of each other. The family is also a fantastic family. Ok. So hows the guy. According to his mum, hes fantastic, studied at Stanford, Harvard, upright, noble...well err..ok. Fine. His mums ok with me and my mum is ok with him. Something missing here. Yea my approval. Anyways good that amma is leaving this one thing to me. Shes given the guy my email id, and im supposed to wait for a good day when he decides to mail me. Till then ive gotta wait.
Interesting all this is to me. Though i dont really know what to do and how to react. Im supposed to get married. Ok great. No problem. What else am i supposed to do. Anyways as of now im just going with the flow. What happens happens. Will take it as it comes. Amma gives me lectures on how everything is upto me and its for me to decide and i should like the guy and theres no pressure and in her times she didnt have the option and she just had to do what was told and that times are not like that and the family is important and ..and ..and. Phewwww
Guess ill just wait for the mail!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
I was shocked. I was irritated. I wanted to hold the guy by his neck and smash his head against a lamp post. I wanted to shove him into a dustbin or a drainage. I wanted to simply kill him. I dont know if he did that out of some sheer stupidity or whether it was something driven towards me coz i was a WOMAN. Im not making a generalisation here but seriously what right does a man have over a woman...jus coz he is a man and does not necessarily have to use his head to think. Why i did not do what i wanted to do was simply coz i just had to get to the office and i did not know how to react.
All i could do was be thankful that i closed my helmet. Thank god he was chewing pan parag and not paan. Yewwwwwwwwwwww yuckkk!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Lil Rascals
Lil D has a mind of his own. You can call him a million times but he will respond only when he wanted to. He loved chewing D’s fingers, hair, ripping up the plants kept outside and standing in the kitchen waiting for food. D threatened people but lil D could threaten Big D and she would quietly do his bidding. One person who can finally threaten her and make her dance to his tunes. Amma is dying to see this lil one and cant stop imagining what he might be like with all the stories ive given her.
Lil D has been baptized. He will henceforth be called Cookie. We were thinking of Rascal but Big D refused to name him that. Sunny and I quietly revel in the fact that the D not naming him Rascal was fear of having people say ‘ Like master like dog’. Rascals apart, I had a blast with this little chap and the big brat. Was great to be back, secure, happy and well rested. Went for a body massage and felt that my body had really gone on vacation. Though it was just a weekend, feels like I can go on without holiday for another month. Then it will be time to come back again to big D and lil C.
sleepless in salem
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I am a dog

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Celebrity for a day...
Fine, we left. The driver was a PSYCHO. If he couldnt overtake he would slam his fists on the steering wheel. If someone called he would speak to them like he was the boss. We hadnt even reached the airport and when the other driver called he said he had crossed the airport long back. KR and i werent quite sure if we would ever reach. We turned into a road and KR told him to ask someone where the college was. He stopped at a place where there was NO ONE. Guess he expected to look up at the sky and see some sign. After all that havoc we reached in one piece.
We just got out of the car. A whole lot of people crowded around us, shook hands, gave us flowers, took photographs. Neither of us knew what was happening but we simply smiled and went on to the control room. All neatly arranged. They forced us to breakfast. The arrangements were done by a 5 star hotel. Why God knows !!@#!@ We went on to make the pre placement talk. Mr KR was introduced as Dr. KR. His expression was priceless. Then he was introduced as the Location Research Manager though he was the Location Resource Manager. I couldnt quite control myself. KR was also felicitated with a shawl. LOLLLLL. He looked like he was getting a Ph D or something. Ohh by the way the prayer song killed me. They tried to sing Mahaganapatim. I love that song... well atleast i loved it till then. The words were all wrong, the rendition was.. well i wished i was deaf thats all.
The day went on like that. The faculty was all over us. The placement officer smiled like we were stars she had never seen. There were a lot of mishaps but they tried covering it up. Finally the day winded up and i had no energy left. Came back to office. There was a crisis situation. I was hoping to head home straight. Thankfully i checked my mail. Everything sorted i reached home at 10!!. Now im back in the office and honestly wondering what the hell im doing here... :)
Friday, March 02, 2007
Confidential...meaning revisited
Whoa... every company has confidential stuff but since when did such shit become that. Well felt something snap inside and knew i was going to blow it soon. So told her that if something was confidential, why the hell should you tell me in the first place. There are millions of things that happen around me..that are really meant to be CONFIDENTIAL...i dont go around discussing it. Well i dont blame Ms J. Those someones shudda been more careful and less judgmental. I dont like people telling me , I TOLD YOU SO. If you told me so then u shudda freaking stressed it or pput a post it on my face. Then id have remembered. Or next time when we talk take a sheet, take a ruler, take a pen. Divide the page into two columns. One as confidential and the other as public knowledge. Fill up both columns. And once you're done...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
D urgently called me one day and told me that Appa failed the Tread Mill test. Which meant that his heart was week. Within a couple of weeks he had to have a by pass surgery. He was brought from Ranny to Cochin and admitted in the hospital. Three arteries were blocked. While the surgery was to take place his heart was functioning only 40%. The surgery was done and he was in ICU. He survived it and all our prayers from everyone i knew was with him.Now hes back home. D's sort of relieved but the tension in her voice is evident. Will be tough ahead but he will get better.
Dont worry gal... Everything wil be goood.
P.S.- Im not writing just because you fought with me... this happenend today..im relieved and im writing. My justification for the post :)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
you dint write about me...

weeks never end
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Mozhi fiasco

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
my breakthrough as an actor
stolen moments...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
ranger danger

Anyways just so you guys dont think hes some macho dog..here goes...mum usually wakes up really early..and ranger wakes up at about the same time...mum wakes up and opens my room (i was away in hyderabad) only to find the neighbours cat sleeping on my bed!!! Talk about taking ownership over ur surroundings. Anyways mum was pretty shocked to see the cat...but all the cat did was raise its head and simply acknowledged her presence...Ranger hadn't noticed the cat and was lying down next to the refrigerator..,.anyways the cat stretches...cranes her neck..and then decides that it was time for her to leave...all the while poor mum waiting and wondering when this unexpected guest would leave... the cat jumps off the bed...simply trots in front of mum..not displayin one percent of agility expected from normal cats...mum was worried that ranger might wake up seein the cat...and bark bringing the roof down..while barking under normal circumstances would be ok..this was 5 am..half the world was asleep...the cat simply continues to trot, stretch and trot again..ranger wakes up...surprise in his eyes that a cat was coming out of my room....all mum could do was dumbly stare...wat one would expect in such a situation would be chaos, noise, chase,,something like that..well whaddya think ranger did :)...welll he sprang up to his feet, ran for his life,...and hid behind mum and quietly watched the cat...his eyes filled with terror...mum had to control herself till the cat FINALLY left..and then burst out laughing...
Ranger...definitely Danger :)