We were split into groups to do projects based on this play. In our group of 5, it was common that 3 would be close and the other 2 would be close. Or 2 would be close, the other 2 would be close, and 1 neutral (mostly me!!! - I had to unfortunately play referee). Various combinations. Sometimes all 5 of us would just have a blast. It was not a tension or a feud, just a matter of choice and comfort.
Zena, Archu and I were in one group to do the project. Sats and Ambz were in the other. The class was taken by Leela Chelliah Mam. We were definitely not one of her favorites thanks to an incident in our first year. Will write another post on that. Well the day came for us to present the project to the class. We were done. So were few others. It was Sats and Ambz turn. They were to analyse this play from the point of view of a 'farce'. (dramatic piece of work, something funny, improbable plot, exaggerated characters and slapstick humour)
Satz was in full force talking about characters, the play, the dialogues. And from what angle she was talking i dont think, even she knew. The word farce was not mentioned once in her entire monologue. I call it a monologue, coz Ambz was cooing in between, while Sats fought the battle of words with herself. She was done. LC looked puzzled. LC simply asked her' You've said so much, for what and on what i have no idea. Now tell me what is a farce and what have you analyzed'.
Satz as i told you, famous for her one liners and foot - in - mouth answers cooly replied ' Mam you see, A farce...is a farce..is a farce'.
Class over. We were rolling laughing. Satya still stood with a straight face convinced that what she had said made perfect sense! LC, needless to say walked off in a huff :)