Ranger, Mr Fawn Labby, came in as the master clown. I had a lhasaapso who passed away. We couldn't think of not having a pet and went ahead and bought this lil rat of a dog. He was thin and his tail was like a stick. The day he came, he gobbled bowls full of dhal and rice. Really wondered if we had got a dog.
Over the period of years, he grew to be a handsome, sleek labrador who would run like a horse. True, sleek labradors are probably an oxymoron, but he sure was muscular and when he ran, all the birds around would fly for their life. If it was s turkey he would make sure to prod them with his nose. After a bath he used to do what we fondly call ' train driving'. Simple exercise. He would be dripping wet. He would come straight to the carpet or sofa and rub his nose running it from one corner to the other. At the end, he would victoriously sit on the sofa as though to say, 'phew im done!'. He also loved chewing the sofa handles. He had a knack of ripping a full coconut from its husk. He would hold it between his paws and slowly gradually peal the whole thing. Saved us the trouble of getting someone to do it.
He had been the eternal clown. Mum had a way of calling him and he would tilt his head so unbelievably cute, like he totally understood every word Amma said. We were members of a club, on the outskirts of the city. It was adjacent to a paddy field. Many a time, Ranger would go missing and amidst the green we would see this speck of whitish brown jumping up and down. What would he be doing?? Chasing the birds!! Running in the water. We would be rest assured that he would return in a totally different color.
The same club had a swimming pool surrounded by trees. After a long time, Amma decided to take a dip. What did Ranger do?? He walked straight onto the ledge of the pool, hit mum with his paw on her head while she was leaning against the ledge and next minute was waddling around in the pool. All dogs were natural swimmers, this dog was a natural cartoon. There was never a silent moment with him around.
A few years back he had a fall which really disrupted his life. The healthy energetic dog found it hard to even stand. He did not walk for close to 2 months. He was on physiotherapy and we slowly nursed him back to health. Still he had ruined his hip and back legs. Days went by, he did manage even with the pain, still we knew he was growing old.
Couple of months back he found it tough to even stand or walk down the steps. We stopped taking him for walks coz we knew he was in too much pain. On Feb 25th 2008, Ranger refused to get up. As in he was awake but could not get up even on his forepaws. We suspected he had sprained himself or something. We took him to the doctor. He recommended an xray but told us nothing was wrong. He was put on some strong medecines.
He spent his entire day lying down. I would rest his head on my lap and feed him. He would pass motion lying down and we spent half our life cleaning him. Poor chap. The good thing was he was atleast assured we would clean him up and had no qualms about dirtying the place. Through the night he would whine. Either amma or I would be up.
We spent sleepless nights and he was showing no signs of improvement. The rest of his senses were perfect. He even bit me two days before he passed away. Not being able to take it anymore, we took him to another vet who had treated him the last time he had a fall. Ranger also had a small swelling on his head. The Vet clearly said, that he would either have to have surgery and chances of cure are less else we would have to put him down. I controlled myself from crying so did Amma and Abhi. I had come on my bike straight from work, so i had the freedom to cry on my way back.
The next day we took him to the hospital. Doctors checked him. Recommended another bunch of xrays and blood tests. We were sort of mentally prepared that we would not come back with him that day. We all cried profusely that morning bidding him farewell. I kept telling mum he would come back. And sure enough he did. The test results were expected the next day. Through the night he cried. Almost a foreboding to death. I slept by his side and he continued to yelp in pain or misery.
WE went back to the hospital the next day, March 27th. Doctor clearly said there was no way he was going to walk again. The bump on his head was a soft tissue growth and had rapidly spread through his body affecting his thoracic cage. It was a matter of time that he would pass away. The vet clearly said we had to put him down.
Even in the last stages, things were getting dragged. I was uncontrollable so was mum and dad. Abhi had an examination so good thing he wasnt around. The anethesia needed was not available. After much running around, we got it in the hospital. We were just going to put him down, when my old vet came up and confused us saying we need not put him down. More confusion. We were terrified that we were making a mistake. Our current vet, came back and the two of them had a discussion.
We had no choice, he had to go else the other option was steroids to give him energy and morphine to kill the pain. In his last moments, he had look of fear in his eyes. Mum and I couldnt stop crying. I held on to his head along with mum and kept stroking his body. Dad was behind him. The doctor injected the anesthesia. Within a matter of seconds, Ranger grew drowsy. Soon the medecine also was injected and within a matter of seconds he was gone. The lil rat who had grown to be a handsome prince and a dignified adult, was gone.
We wrapped him in a sheet. Took him to mums school. Mum had informed her staff to make the necessary arrangements. The vet had given us the option of leaving him back in the hospital and they would use him as a specimen for study. Surprisingly dad was for it. Mum and i were furious. No way were were going to leave this lil guy here to be ripped apart and studied. He was ours, and would always be ours.
We reached Mums school. Buried him and did all the final rites that anyone would do for a human being. We covered the pit and he now lies under the shade of a tree with Amma's room overlooking it.
Ranger, from the time you came you brought with you tremendous love and happiness. The joy of taking care of you and loving you was truly beyond compare. Your body may have gone, yet you live on in our hearts, in our minds.... Love you always..