Was pretty ok to talk to him. Atleast there was a certain comfort feel established. However, there was always this demand on time. Had spoken to him once and the next day there was this thing about speaking for another 15 mins and another and another.. I was not too comfortable with that. Moroever, this was after 10 pm. Im usually half asleep by then. Tried to restrict it a bit, but somehow, there was this constant demand on time, which i was just not too ok with. Also asking if i reached home on time, if i left office, why i was still in office, ....these kind of questions from someone who knew me for 3 days!!!!
We had spoken for about 3 - 4 days. He was good to talk to. Was passionate about his job though im not sure if he loved what he did. Travelling was common for me. I travel almost every week. Was just getting ready to leave and got a message asking... if i had packed, how i was getting to the station, which station, etc etc etc.... something snapped. Agreed, this was concern or care...but from my side it was the onset of claustrophobia. I hardly knew this person. I was being practical and here he was getting emotionally attached. He was not the only alliance. Had been transparent about that. Its not about choices or choosing the best option, but it was about being careful thats all and of course not wanting to make any mistakes.
AFter that message, something did snap. Told mum to double check the horoscope match. Told him that I had asked mum to do it. He wanted to know if my decision was based on the horoscope matching. It was. Im not an astrology believer but i was in no mood to go against mum. And right now, just ok with listening to what she says. No energy for anything :).
Anyways the horoscope thing did not match. Luckily i had asked mum to double check before things went further. Communicated the same to the guy. That ended there. He did mail after that... was not sure if i wanted to reply...and till this minute have not replied.. and dont think i will either.
Im ok...seriously am. Like i said i might sound callous, but i was practical about the whole thing and not emotional. Once bitten twice shy!!